病者家人: Ng Ka Man
今日星期六再約到醫生上門覆診,嫲嫲話睇左咁多年醫生,第一次同醫生握手 老人家知道醫生有聽佢講,佢都好開心,好感謝你地
病者家人: Janny Leung
我爸爸行動不便,我便向老友宅醫求助,姑娘Alice通過WhatsApp 了解我們的情況,例如家人關注焦點,還有爸爸的病情,然後再根據需要派出醫生上門。
病者家人: Hiu Hung Kwok
謝謝醫生及各位醫護人員的幫助,讓不能外出的患者都能得到最適切及專業的治療。不求回報,以人為本,每次診症都仔細認真,絕不馬虎,診症後亦經常wts app跟進患者康復進度,讓家人不致徬徨無助,謝謝你們:)
病者家人: Joyce Lam
老爸患病在床, 不願出門且日漸消瘦, 非常擔憂之際, 找到了可提供醫護人員上門到診服務的老友宅醫, 可得到及時幫助, 經過抽血化驗得知老爸的身體狀況, 可以對症下藥
想不到他們還會在非辦公時間關心及跟進病人的病況, 實在十分體貼, 在此感謝他們的服務。
病者家人: Ng Kwai Ha Bekey
病者家人: Happy Valley
病者家人: Keith Wong
病者家人: Lawrence Law
醫生第一次上門嚟診症係聖誕節正日,診症後好耐心地回答我地既問題同解釋阿嬤情況之後,臨走我問佢點解會係今日仲出嚟診症,醫生話佢屋企小朋友放假晏起身,咪出嚟睇下阿嬤先再返去陪佢地囉。。 我有少少鼻酸一邊口答“喔~”一邊心諗“邊有咁好嘅醫生架??”
病者家人: Catherine Chu Wingwai Shek
病者家人: Tiffany Ho
醫生清楚講解病情/成因. 上門診療服務對於行動不方便的患者及家屬,實在是一大福音!極力推薦給有需要的人。
病者家人: Jennifer Lam
病者家人: Susanna Lau
病者家人: Tiffany Ho
醫生清楚講解病情/成因. 上門診療服務對於行動不方便的患者及家屬,實在是一大福音!極力推薦給有需要的人。
病者家人: Chan Siu Lee
對於行動不便的老爸 有醫生可上門做診治及可以用長者醫療劵實在幫到手 謝謝
病者家人: Idy Chim
病者家人: David Tam
病者家人: Cayin Lui
病者家人: Chesney Yuo
病者家人: Man Man Chung
Can I apply for FEE-HELP?
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FEE-HELP is not available to international students.
Do I have to have OSHC?
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Yes, all international students studying in Australia are required to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) which is also a requirement for obtaining an Australian Student visa. Note: Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish students are exempt from OSHC requirements.
Can IAEA organise OSHC on my behalf?
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Yes, IAEA can arrange your first year of coverage with our preferred provider Medibank. Fees are charged to the student.
What does OSHC Cover?
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OSHC pays for most prescription drugs and emergency ambulance transport and helps cover the cost of medical and hospital care should you become ill during your stay in Australia. Pre-existing medical conditions or disabilities are not cover by OSHC cover. Ancillary cover is available from your preferred approved OSHC provider. Ensure you bring your medical and optical prescriptions with you to Australia.
How much do I pay?
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The price of OSHC cover you pay depends on the duration of your visa and the OSHC provider you choose.
What if I already have OSHC?
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If you already have a current OSHC policy, you will need to submit a copy of membership currency before accepting your offer.
Where can I buy groceries locally?
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It depends on where you decide to live. The college is situated in Upper Mt Gravatt within a small complex of shops where many styles of ethnic foods are available. Directly across the road, Westfield Garden City is one of the largest shopping complexes in Queensland which boasts entertainment precincts, world class restaurants, eateries, boutique shops and large department stores, banks, drugstores and music stores and much more. In most suburbs, you can find corner stores stocked with the essentials at a higher price for convenience, or local supermarkets which generally offer an IGA, Aldi, Coles or Woolworths supermarket along with fast food shops, dentists, doctors, bakeries and other specialty shops. Large supermarket chains also offer online delivered shopping.
Will I be eligible for concession on public transport?
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Concessions for public transport is not available to international students.
Is there public transport nearby?
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Across the road from our Brisbane college campus, Westfield Garden City hosts a large bus exchange which connects southern suburbs with the City and surrounds on regular schedules. Train stations are located a five minute drive from the college where express trains run between the Gold Coast to the Brisbane City centre and surrounds.
Are there shops and restaurants nearby?
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Brisbane is a vibrant river city with many eateries and restaurants available in the city and surrounding suburbs. There are certain suburbs in Brisbane which celebrate particular cultures, for example Sunnybank is a mecca for Asian culture and cuisine while West End hosts a mixture of modern and authentic cultural foods. Brisbane also hosts international festivals for many cultures including Chinese New Year, Korea, India, Greece and many more.
Is there car parking available at the college?
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The college has 15 dedicated car spaces for visitors and students.
Are there gyms and sporting facilities nearby?
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There are many gymnasiums situated locally with the closest just a 20 metre walk from the college. Suncorp stadium is located 1 kilometre (.62 of a mile) from the college which hosts sporting events such as football and music concerts.
How far away is the beach?
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The college is located 45 minutes to northern Gold Coast beaches and 1 hour from Surfers Paradise beaches. We are also 30 minutes drive to Moreton Bay which is rich with tourist walks, vibrant restaurants and long bike tracks and public parks.
Are there any other local attractions?
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Other local attractions include:
Theme parks
- Wet and Wild Water Park
- Ripley’s Believe or Not
- Draculas
- Whale watching (seasonal)
- Horse riding on the beach
- Movie World (Goldcoast)
- Dreamworld (Goldcoast)
- Aussie World (Sunshine Coast)
- Australia Zoo (Sunshine Coast)
The Sunshine coast is located 1.5 hours north of the college.
- Day Trips to Tangalooma: Hand feed dolphins
Brisbane City – Kangaroo Point Cliffs: Rock climbing
- South bank parklands: Manmade beach, outdoor movies parks and restaurants.
- Science centres, museum, State library, Gomer Art Gallery.